Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thoughts, Part II

I wasn't really sure on a better title, because truly, I'm just writing what the Lord has been putting on my heart. I have entered into a season of my life where I'm really the most unsure I've ever been. It's not a bad thing, for I'm having to really rely on the Lord and His direction, I've just never been here before. When going to college, God provided me with an amazing room mate and Christian friends really quickly and I adjusted well. When we moved to Auburn, again, great Christian bubble and wonderful work place. However, in our new town, it's different. There are believers, but the atmosphere is different.

Justin and I were just talking last night about how God might have placed us here to help start something. It really made me excited to hear Justin talking about the Lord has known all along that we needed to be here for a reason and the reason may be much bigger than our jobs/Justin's research.

On another note, God has also been teaching me a lot about holding my hands open to Him with Jude. Wow, as Jude's Mommy, I want to hold him so tightly, but I'm trying to have an attitude of my heart to hold him loosely and allow the Lord to move in and through him, even at such a tiny stage. He is growing so quickly and I've had to start telling him "no"...he tends to like to pull my hair and blow raspberries while eating, neither which are socially appropriate, though very cute. :)

Lastly, we had a wonderful weekend! On Friday we went to the lake. We found a secluded spot where no one was around and Mason could run around. Jude enjoyed the water and it was nice to get away. On Saturday, we went hiking and Jude man did great. He liked drinking from a water bottle. (I was afraid he might get dehydrated.) He LOVES being outside and it is amazing to watch Justin in his element with his son. He walks around telling him about trees, bugs, and animals. It's really quite precious.Jude and I after the hike...he was pooped!
Justin loved his backpack carrier. Jude and I got it for him for his Father's Day/Birthday present. It's Kelty Kids and we're very pleased with it!

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