Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leaning On the Everlasting Arms

We have been really busy the last few weeks, travelling all over the state of AZ and then to Seattle. I thought I would take a few moments and share what God has been teaching me. The last year has been a very difficult one for me, but also one of the most rewarding. Since last March, Justin completed his Master's Thesis and accepted a new PhD position relocating us all the way in AZ. Jude was born, and to call that a blessing beyond words is an understatement. But, in the midst of that joyous arrival and learning to become a new Mommy, I left a town, a church, a group of friends, the SOUTH, a job, the list goes on and on, of things I love and found it difficult to part with.

I have mentioned before different "nuggets of truths" God has been teaching me along this journey, but today, I need to recap for myself:
-Sometimes, God teaches us the most when all we have is Him (for a social butterfly, the lack of Christian girlfriends has been very difficult for me.)
-Aside from my relationship with Christ, my relationship with Justin MUST come first. I can't be a good mother, a good teacher, sister, daughter, friend, etc, if I'm not in a right relationship with my husband. God has really strengthened our marriage through this adventure.
-To enjoy every moment...this sounds easy when Jude is giggling, laughing, playing, but I have learned to really love him waking up around 6 on Saturdays to nurse and snuggle in bed. When he screams while getting his diaper change or throws a tantrum from not getting his toy of choice, I won't go and say that I love these moments, but I can honestly say that I am embracing them. Many years from now, I know I will miss the cries of an infant. Though I hope to enjoy that stage of life when the time comes, knowing how much I love babies, I know I will miss it.
-The importance of time with Him. A dear friend of mine sent me "Jesus Calling" soon after we moved to AZ and man has it been a blessing to my heart. Many days Justin and I go through it together. When working full time, trying to exercise at least 3-4 times a week, keeping a tidy house, and making my little man a high priority, even a few minutes with my Savior every day is powerful. I've also learned the importance of my continuous communication with him. Jude and I pray every morning on the way to the sitter's, we pray on the way back (if we're not talking to MoMo), I pray in the shower, while cooking, etc. Thank you Lord for being a God who cares about the details!

I hope to look back in years to come and think, "Thank you Lord for that season of teaching me to lean on You. To trust You when it was so hard, when I didn't even really want to. Thank you for being my Everlasting Arms."

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